
class freetypy.Outline

Represents an outline.


x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


check Check the contents of an outline descriptor.
decompose Decompose the outline into individual segments and Bézier arcs.
embolden Embolden an outline.
get_bbox Compute the exact bounding box of an outline.
get_cbox Get the control box.
get_orientation This function analyzes a glyph outline and tries to compute its fill orientation.
reverse Reverse the drawing direction of an outline.
to_points_and_codes ⨎ Convert the outline to a pair of arrays (points, codes).
to_string ⨎ Convert the outline to a text format string of commands.
transform Apply a simple 2x2 matrix to all of an outline’s points.
translate Apply a simple translation to the points of an outline.


contours A memoryview giving the end point of each contour within the outline.
flags A set of OUTLINE flags used to characterize the outline.
n_contours The number of contours in the outline.
n_points The number of points in the outline.
points A memoryview of points in the outline.
tags A memoryview of n_points values, giving each outline point’s type.